The ILO, or International Labour Organisation, was founded in 1919 with the vision of a future world where all workers would be treated decently for lasting world peace. The ILO is the only tripartite agency of the UN, which means that it brings together not only governments, but also workers and employers from the 187 member states.
1 in 10 children work, of which about 73 million are in hazardous work; 117 million do not go to school. How can we ensure the education of young people in order to abolish child labor? The level of education of parents largely determines schooling and child labor. This is a vicious circle that is reproduced over generations. Delegates must act on the financial level by eliminating as much as possible the costs of education for families, and on the level of children's safety on their way to school. It is also necessary to multiply the number of schools to bring them closer to everyone and thus increase school attendance while eliminating child labor. IPEC (International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor) also recognizes the value of working with teachers' unions and parents at the local, national and international levels.
Children as well as older people are particularly vulnerable to occupational accidents. An estimated 2.77 million work-related deaths occur each year. So how can occupational health risks be avoided and employees protected? Nearly 70% of workers do not receive compensation for work-related accidents, so whoever suffers an accident at work has an increased risk of falling into poverty. Two main solutions can be identified for delegates. First, workplace health initiatives to act as directly as possible for the individual. Second, targeted protection of young people, not only because this group is more affected by accidents at work, but also because it is the best way to establish a positive and dynamic culture of prevention and OHS (Occupational Health and Safety).