The ILO, or International Labour Organization, has been a specialized agency of the United Nations since 1946 and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Its mission is to promote rights at work, strengthen social dialogue in this field, encourage the creation of decent work and develop social protection.
For a long time, women have been paid less than men, even when working in the same occupation, and have been given less prestigious positions. However, pay gaps and unequal access to certain areas are far from being the only distinctions made between women and men in the sphere of work. Indeed, occupational inequalities between women and men take multiple forms.
In addition, enterprises have begun to become aware of their environmental impact, but not all to the same degree. Yet, this is a key aspect to be taken into account within the perspective of a more sustainable world. Changing working practices or imposing stricter rules to reduce one's carbon footprint are some of the key issues that the ILO 1 Committee will be facing.
How to ensure gender equality integration in enterprises? And how to implement a framework for work practices and cyber security to reduce the environmental impact of businesses? It is with the aim of proposing solutions to these two issues that the ILO 1 Committee will meet at this conference, FerMUN 2021.